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I Picked Five Balls From There

The Apejo
The Apejo

On a day when I decided to play tennis, I brought my pack of tennis balls with me. After playing for about an hour, I started to pack up my things and noticed that I had only picked up five of the six tennis balls. Despite searching for the sixth one, I couldn't seem to find it. I asked my coach where he thought it could be, and he suggested I check where I had picked up the other five. Frustrated, I replied that I had already checked and couldn't find it.

As I reflected on this experience, it occurred to me that sometimes we argue with God when He leads us to a place He has prepared for us. We come up with excuses, saying that we have already received enough blessings from that place or that we don't see any opportunities there. These excuses are based solely on what we can see, and we fail to trust God's plans for us.

Eventually, my coach came over and helped me search for the missing tennis ball. Together, we found it in the same spot where I had picked up the other five. This experience reminded me that sometimes we need help to see the blessings and opportunities that God has prepared for us.

Therefore, I encourage you to seek insight and open eyes to see the opportunities that God has prepared for you. Don't let fear, doubt, or limited vision prevent you from experiencing all that God has in store for you. Trust in His plan for your life and be open to receiving His blessings.