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Dreaming with God

The Apejo
The Apejo
And he led him outside and said, "Look toward heaven, and number the stars, if you are able to number them." Then he said to him, "So shall your offspring be." And he believed the LORD, and he counted it to him as righteousness.

Genesis 15:5-6

What does it mean to dream with God? This question has been asked several times because dreaming about things that haven't happened seems almost childish and irresponsible in today's world. We are discouraged from using our imagination or daydreaming about the life we want because reality doesn't always give us room for dreams. But I believe that God wants us to use our dreams and imagination as tools for spirituality.

We know that God speaks to us through dreams, and the Bible is full of stories about people receiving messages from God through dreams. But I also believe that dreams serve another purpose. I realized this when the Holy Spirit took me on a study of Gideon, one of the judges in Israel's history. Gideon had fears and anxiety because God was calling him to do something that was beyond him, but God had to get him to think positively. He did that by giving Gideon's enemies a dream about him and even giving the interpretation of the dream to them, so Gideon could see what was in God's heart.

I believe that dreams and our imagination can be used to renew our minds and help us see ourselves the way the Lord sees us. We need to find out what God's thoughts are and start dreaming with them and imagining them happening to us because God's thoughts are positive. We can wage war against negativity by focusing on what God has promised. We should fill our minds with the promises of God, with His thoughts, and see what He sees, even if our current reality is the opposite. We can enjoy the journey of seeing the promises before they manifest and come into fruition. As we stay in His presence, know that we are not being superfluous; God welcomes that kind of thinking. Keep those promises in your heart, see them happening, and the Lord will see that you have it.